History of Nolvadex


         ☝When it comes to the most popular selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), which is commonly also known as an antiestrogen, Nolvadex is one of the most potent and effective choices for those looking to use a SERM while building muscle and improving their overall body strength. While Nolvadex is an estrogen antagonist, it also functions as an agonist, which means that it works in the same way as estrogen does in various parts of the body, while possessing anti estrogenic functions in other parts, such as breast tissue.

Nolvadex is one of the oldest and most popular selective estrogen receptor modulators on the market that is still commonly used as a medicine.

 Why no?

Nolvadex is often used by those individuals using anabolic steroids, however, it is important to remember that it is not an anabolic steroid itself, which can confuse many people as it is used as part of a steroid cycle. Its official name is Tamoxifen Citrate, and it was created in 1961 by the company known as ICI. This company later changed its name to AstraZeneca, and Tamoxifen Citrate was manufactured under the brand name of Nolvadex. The initial use of Tamoxifen citrate was as a treatment option for breast cancer, most notably breast cancer that is hormone responsive. Over the years, it has been used as a preventative treatment against breast cancer. It’s in gain popularity amongst the anabolic steroid community, where it is typically used as an anti estrogen as part of a steroid cycle, which helps to prevent the onset of estrogen related side effects. It is also a popular choice for PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) to aid in the restoration of testosterone.💊

☝As has been touched upon above, Nolvadex is a selective estrogen receptor modulator that possesses both antagonist and agonist properties. The way in which it functions is by bonding to estrogen receptors in the location that estrogen would normally have attached itself, which prevents the hormone from undertaking its actions throughout various parts of the body. This is what makes it so useful for those who are suffering from breast cancer. There are many variations of breast cancer that use estrogen as fuel when it attaches itself to the receptors. Ask this action takes place in the chest area, and it also works very well for preventing the development of male breast tissue, also known as gynecomastia. These steroids include Nandrolone, Dianabol, Boldenone, and Testosterone.💊

☝It is often seen as being an anti estrogen, it has the potential to also work in the same way as estrogen, especially within the liver. This has been proven to be beneficial, as the livers involvement with estrogen has shown to promote cholesterol at healthier levels. When it comes to those who use anabolic steroids, this possesses many benefits as the majority of anabolic steroids can possess negative effects on cholesterol levels. While Nolvadex is seen as an anti estrogen, it also has potent testosterone stimulation effects. It is able to prevent negative feedback produced by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland by estrogen. This leads to stimulation of the pituitary to release more LH and FSH (luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone), which are both necessary for the natural production of testosterone. Without FSH and LH, especially LH, the natural production of testosterone comes to a halt.💊

☝The most notable effects of Nolvadex pertain to breast cancer patients, and these are simple in their actions. It is able to effectively block the estrogen hormone from being able to attach, which means that the cancer is deprived of the fuel that it needs to survive. While it is effective, it is not always the first choice of treatment nor the only compound available. AIs (aromatase inhibitors) are typically used at the start of treatment due to their serum estrogen level reducing abilities. Over time, treatment then switches from aromatase Inhibitors to selective estrogen receptor modulators, such as Nolvadex period for prevention, it is often prescribed to those who have a history of breast cancer throughout their family.💊

☝For those who use anabolic steroids, Nolvadex as part of a cycle can help prevent gynecomastia. It is not being shown to have particularly beneficial effects with helping to prevent other primary estrogenic effects, such as water retention, but the individual can control this by using different methods. Its ability to be able to prevent the development of gynecomastia means that it is the ideal first choice for those men who are using anabolic steroids. If it is not available, and aromatase inhibitor will need to be used, such as Anastrozole or Letrozole. AIs do have the potential to adversely affect cholesterol levels. When used alone, they do not possess many adverse side effects, but when used in combination with an amortizing steroid, the risk increases 10-fold.💊

☝The last effect that Nolvadex provides is the one that the majority of anabolic steroid users find to be the most important. As anabolic steroids will inhibit the production of natural testosterone, kick starting production after completing a cycle is important. If the individual does not suffer from low testosterone condition and no damage occurred to the hpta (hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis) then the natural production of testosterone should occur over a period of months up to a year. This is why a post Cycle Therapy plan is important, and one that includes Nolvadex can help to stimulate testosterone production at a quicker rate. This not only helps the body’s hormone levels to return to normal but also helps to protect and maintain the physique and speed up the recovery process.💊

☝As low testosterone production can result in the loss of muscle mass, a PCT plan is absolutely vital and Nolvadex proves to be worth its weight in gold. Plenty of performance enhancing athletes turn their nose up at PCT plans, and if you are only coming off of a cycle for a period of 5 to 6 weeks, then there is no real need to utilize a PCT plan. This is a typical scenario among those who are part of bodybuilding circles, but for the majority of people using anabolic steroids, they are not particularly feasible. This is because the normal anabolic steroid user will have a prolonged period of time off of a cycle, and for the best health and wellness, this is the way to go.💊

☝As with all selective estrogen receptor modulators, side effects from Nolvadex are always a possibility. However, it is one of the best rated SERMs available for both women and men. Of course, side effects could well occur, this remains a rare occurrence. Side effects are most likely to affect women than men, but they still remain a limited possibility. Some of the more common side effects associated with Nolvadex include:🔍


👓Hot flashes

👓Itching, discharge, or bleeding from the vagina

👓Stomach upset

☝Other side effects associated with Nolvadex use that are much rarer than the above-noted effects include:🔍

👓A reduction of the white blood cell count

👓An increase in the triglyceride levels

👓Rashes over the skin

👓Pulmonary embolism

👓Endometrial changes

☝The above-noted side effects are about all of the ones that can be experienced. While some of them may seem less than ideal, it is important to remember that they are exceedingly rare. It should be mentioned that those women who are trying to become pregnant or are already pregnant should avoid Nolvadex use as it could cause damage to the child in uteri.💊

☝Nolvadex is one of the easiest products on Earth to purchase. In the United States, it does not carry a controlled substance classification, but to have legal possession, a valid prescription will be required. When it comes to the black market, the majority of anabolic steroid outlets will have SERMs available. When it comes to counterfeit products come up this tends to be extremely rare. There are also many research chemical labs that manufacture and sell selective estrogen receptor modulators legally with the use of loopholes. Of course, to purchase these, you would need to do so for research purposes only. However, it is important to note that many research chemical labs provide low quality peptides and other substances. A loss of potency is common, as are unstable ones.💊


  1. Drugs with significant potential that are having generic equivalents hit the market are: Ortho-Novum 7/7/7 * (birth control) Ortho Tri-Clyclen * (birth control) Accupril (blood pressure) Nolvadex (breast cancer) Topamax (anti-convulsant) Glucophage XR (diabetes) Monopril (blood pressure) Remeron (antidepressant) Alphagan (glaucoma) Serzone (antidepressant) Glucovance (diabetes) Glucotrol XL (diabetes) Wellbutrin SR (antidepressant) Zyban (smoking cessation) Neurontin (anti-convulsant) Tiazac (blood pressure) Prozac (antidepressant) Prilosec (gastritis)

  2. Chief executive Sir Tom McKillop said copy cat versions of its ulcer and heartburn treatment Prilosec,breast cancer drug Nolvadex

  3. Andrx Corporation (Nasdaq:ADRX) today announced that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tentatively approved the marketing of its Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for loratadine and pseudoephedrine sulfate, USP extended release tablets, which is bioequivalent to Schering-Plough Corporation's Claritin-D(R) 24 Hour product. Andrx's generic version of this product employs Andrx's patent-pending MACS (modified antihistamine-decongestants combination system) technology. Claritin-D 24 is used to provide relief of symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever).

  4. People taking NOLVADEX to treat breast cancer have different benefits and different decisions
    to make than high-risk women or women with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) taking
    NOLVADEX to reduce the chance of getting breast cancer. If you already have breast cancer,
    talk with your doctor about how the benefits of treating breast cancer with NOLVADEX
    compare to the risks that are described in this document.

  5. Should Nolvadex be Avoided at All Cost?
    Nolvadex is the trade name of a drug containing a molecule called Tamoxifen. Its primary use by male bodybuilders is to prevent gynecomastia (the growth of the breast tissue). It was introduced by steroid guru Dan Duchaine 25 years ago. After a quarter of century, it is time for an update about its use. What I am going to demonstrate is it is high time to eliminate Nolvadex from the bodybuilder’s drug stacks.
    olvadex and Muscle Growth

    After so many years of usage, it seems pretty clear that if Tamoxifen helps prevent the growth of the nipples, it also weakens the anabolic properties of steroids in a majority of bodybuilders. We are frequently said that this weakening effect is due to the anti-estrogenic action of Nolvadex. According to the fantasy, muscles require both testosterone and estrogens to grow at an optimal rate.

    This belief is derived from the results of studies showing that without estrogens, testosterone alone possesses minimal anabolic properties. By increasing the density of androgen receptors, estrogens render the muscles much more sensitive to testosterone (1). This has been demonstrated in a very specific muscle called the levator ani. But this muscle does not reflect what happens in the muscles bodybuilders are interested in (2). Estrogens have even been shown to reduce muscle fiber size (3-4). I think this effect of estrogens is closer to what we experience on bodybuilders.

  6. Nolvadex will not make you depressed. The only thing that will make you feel like crap is if your estrogen and test levels are very very far apart from each other. But the Nolvadex helps to kick start your natural test while you’re coming off so your test doesn’t bottom out.

  7. In the late 80's, steroid guru Dan Duchaine speculated that nolvadex could be used to help with gynecomastia (bitch tits). Since that time, it has become popular as anti-gynecomastia treatment and for on-cycle use in guys who are gyno prone.

    When gyno prone anabolic steroid users run aromatising compounds, such as testosterone or dianabol, they convert to estrogen. This can lead to puffy nipples, bloating, blood pressure, erectile dysfunction (ED) and other estrogen related sides. Nolvadex can prevent some estrogen-related side effects from occurring, and it can halt the growth of gynecomastia. However, in my opinion, using an AI is much more effective for overall estrogen control.

    In practice, tamoxifen is best used to help boost LH and total testosterone. This will help you recover from a cycle, which makes it a popular choice for post cycle therapy (PCT). A clomiphene, tamoxifen combination is one of the best recovery options for most PCT regiments.

  8. Nolvadex is a popular and powerfully effective Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) that is often referred to as an anti-estrogen. However, while being an antagonist it is also an agonist as it will actually act as estrogen in certain parts of the body while acting as an anti-estrogen in other areas. As one of the oldest SERM’s on the market that is still regularly used medicinally, while Nolvadex is also used by anabolic steroid users it is not an anabolic steroid. This is an important note as some are often confused by its use in steroid cycles. Nolvadex is simply a SERM.

    Nolvadex, officially known as Tamoxifen Citrate, was first developed in 1961 by ICI now AstraZeneca under the trade name Nolvadex. The SERM was developed to treat breast cancer, specifically hormone-responsive breast cancer. However, it has also been effectively used in breast cancer prevention. Then we have anabolic steroid users, and it was long ago discovered that Nolvadex had a place among such individuals. Nolva, as it’s commonly known, can be used as an anti-estrogen during an anabolic steroid cycle in order to prevent estrogenic related side effects. It is also used as part of a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) recovery plan, which is its most common and beneficial point of use for the steroid user.
    Nolvadex Functions & Traits:

    Test 600x - Buy 2 Get 1 FreeTamoxifen Citrate is a SERM with both estrogen agonist and antagonist properties. As an anti-estrogen, Nolvadex functions by binding to the estrogen receptors in the place of estrogen. This binding prevents the estrogen hormone from performing its action in certain parts of the body, which is precisely why it’s beneficial to breast cancer patients. Many forms of breast cancer actually feed off estrogen when it attaches to the receptors in the chest. By preventing the attachment in such receptors, this also protects anabolic steroid users from gynecomastia, which can be caused by anabolic steroids that aromatize such as Testosterone, Dianabol, and Nandrolone and Boldenone to a degree.

    While primarily viewed as an anti-estrogen, Nolvadex also has the ability to act as estrogen, specifically in the liver. This presents a benefit as estrogenic activity in the liver has been linked to healthier cholesterol levels. For the steroid user, this can be extremely beneficial as many anabolic steroids tend to have an adverse effect on cholesterol. More on this when we look at the direct effects of Nolvadex later on.

    1. If your cycle ends with any large ester base anabolic steroids, you will begin Nolvadex 2 weeks after your last injection.

      If your cycle ends with all small ester base anabolic steroids, you will begin your Nolvadex 3 days after your last injection.

      If your cycle ends with any large ester base anabolic steroids, you will begin HCG ten days after your last injection and begin Nolvadex after HCG therapy is complete.

      If your cycle ends with all small ester base anabolic steroids, you will begin HCG 3 days after your last injection and begin Nolvadex after HCG therapy is complete.


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