Halloween Without Scary for Teens With Allergies, Asthma

Allergen information is not available for many Halloween treats and foods served at Halloween parties, which can put teens with food allergies at risk.


These teens should take their own safe treats to parties.
Teens with food allergies may also want to host their own party so they have control over what's being served.
Smoke and food aren't the only holiday threats. Some Halloween makeup contains ingredients that cause allergic reactions, especially for teens with eczema or other allergic skin conditions. Try to find high-quality hypoallergenic makeup and test any makeup on a small patch of skin first to see if there's any reaction.
If a teen is allergic to latex, make sure to check for it when choosing a costume or mask.
Teens with asthma should always carry needed medications, including their rescue inhaler. Those with a food allergy should always have two epinephrine auto-injectors and their cellphone in case an emergency arises.
These teens should also make sure that their friends know about their allergies or asthma so they can help if a reaction occurs.
